Annebet van den Pol

May 10 through May 12, 2024, Annebet van den Pol exhibited photography and spatial work at the gallery.

Annebet photographs, draws, paints and creates spatial work.

The most important thing in her work is the story she wants to tell. After extensive research of a topic or theme, what she wants to create emerges in her mind. That work is so strong that she usually doesn’t even have to draw it out.

The story she told at the gallery is about climate.

“That has been discussed so much already anyway, why should I even bother with that?” wondered Annebet. Because she still has a lot of questions about it. Such as: does it make sense to worry about this as an individual? Or worse, do I even want to worry about some things? Do I really want to know, or do I actually like the lifestyle and convenience associated with it quite a bit myself?

With the works from “In the eye of the beholder,” she gives viewers a chance to form or revise an opinion from their own perspective on a number of statements related to climate.

In the eye of the beholder, or: how do you actually look at it? In a playful, but also confrontational way, you can let Annebet make you think.

Annebet made disturbing situations out of paper clay. This one she also photographed. She is showing both spatial work and photographs during the exhibition.

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